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ALed 1.5 -=- ALan's Text Editor Documentation
ALed is a small powerful, programmers editor that was designed to
be suitable for most, if not all, of your text editing needs.
-> POP-UP ASCII Table (moveable w/ arrow, pg & space keys)
-> POP-UP 3 Display 32 bit Calculator (Bin/Hex/Dec) (moveable)
with logical operations. (+,-,*,/,and,or,not,xor,shift,mod)
-> Bracket Matching {} () [] <>
-> 10 MACRO Registers (record, execute, save, load, print)
-> UnDelete Lines
-> Multiple Buffers (As many as memory permits)
-> 10 Text Registers (for cut and paste)
-> Insert/Overstrike Editing
-> Load Multiple Files at the Command line
-> Search/Replace across all active buffers
-> Search/Replace Direction & Case Sensitivity Toggles
-> Ooops. Replace Back
-> Goto Line number
-> Goto Previous Lines (last 150 positions)
-> DOS Shell
-> DOS Commands (Nice for compilation)
-> Delete Word, Line, Register, Block, Buffer
-> Online Help
-> Constant Memory Display
-> Smart Indentation (toggled)
-> On-Screen Clock with Date & Time (Removable)
-> Block Read (File Insert)
-> Block Write (Redirectable)
-> Graphic Characters
-> Buffer Printing
-> Split Screens
-> Buffer Rename
-> Directory/Subdirectory Support
-> File/Buffer Picklist
-> Adjustable TABS
-> Hex/Dec/Char Keypress Display
-> Redirectable I/O (CON/LPT/PRN/COM)
-> Snow Removal Toggle
ALed requires 256K of RAM, a form of mass storage and an 80x25
Text monitor (Mono/CGA/EGA/VGA).
For best results, I would use a system with over 256K and Color monitor
To run Aled, Type "ALed <file1> <file2> <file3>....<filen>" and hit
If Aled finds the file, it will load it in memory, and load any
remaining files. However, if a file is not found, then Aled will
initialize a buffer with the file name. If no files are specified
at the command line, then ALed will initialize a buffer named
"NONAME". (Note: Buffers are easily removed or renamed )
At this point you can begin entering your text, however, when you
want to save, you will be prompted to enter a new file name.
Loading Files
To load another file, press F3. You will see the current path
( example C:\TC\PROG\ ) displayed and you will be prompted to enter
the file name to load. If you wish see a directory, press enter and
then use the arrow keys to select the file or change the directory.
If you wish change the path from the prompt, type in the entire path
and press return. (Ex: "C:\TC\PROG\").
If you wish to change drives, enter the drive specifier (C: or A: etc)
and ALed will load the picklist with the new drive's directory entries.
To open a new blank Buffer, Press ALT F3 and enter the new buffer name.
Saving Files
To save the current file you are working on and remove it from the
working buffer, press F2. To save and Keep the file in memory, press
ALed contains two types of searches. Search and Search and Replace. To
search for text enter the search command (Alt-S Default) and then
enter the search string.
To search for text using ALed, press ALT+S and you will be prompted
for the text to search the buffer for. After you enter the search
string, ALed will search the buffer from the current line Downward
(Default) to the End of the Buffer.
Note: On the Status Line there are 2 Search Conditions. When ALed
starts up, you will see an "IAsD" displayed on the Status Line.
The I is for Insert mode
O is for Overstrike when toggled (INSERT)
The A is for AutoIndent
Turned off when Toggled (ALT+I)
The s is for case significance during searches
S for Ignore Case when toggles (CTL+S)
The D is search Direction (Down)
U when Toggle (CTL+D)
If the text is found, ALed will position the cursor at the found text.
If the text is not found, ALed will display "**** Not Found ****" on
the message line.
You can toggle the direction and/or the case sensitivity of the search
and press ALT+A to attempt the search again, or you can press ALT+S
again and re-edit your search string for another attempt.
The Search and Replace Function work similarly.
Most of Aled's screen is used solely for displaying buffer data,
however there are two lines to be aware of.
Status Line:
This is the last line on the display screen and it constantly displays
the status for the buffer currently being edited. Displayed are
(from left to right) Current Line number, Total Number of lines, Column
position of the cursor, Memory available, and the name of the file or
buffer currently displayed.
When ALed starts up, there is a 'IAsD' Displayed on this line.
The I is for Insert mode
O is for Overstrike when toggled (INSERT)
The A is for AutoIndent
Turned off when Toggled (ALT+I)
The s is for case significance during searches
S for Ignore Case when toggles (CTL+S)
the D is search Direction (Down)
U when Toggle (CTL+D)
Using the 3 Display Calculator
One of the best features of ALed is it's unique programmers calculator
I've always wanted to be able to enter a value and instantly see all
of the BIN/HEX/DEC values displayed.
Press ALT+C to invoke the popup calculator. If you wish to move the
calculator around the screen, use the arrow keys for single space
moves. Home,PageUp,End,PageDown move the calculator to the farthest
corners of the screen, and SpaceBar to place the calculator in the
center of the screen.
This calculator in a NON-RPN type calculator. Meaning, it operates
just like an average hand-held calculator.
Enter a number, then enter a operator, then enter another number.
Then, you can:
Press return for the sum
Press '=' for the sum
Enter another operator to continue calculating using the
previous sum.
Example: (1+(8*((54.0532/2)-9))) = ???
enter "54.0523"
enter '/'
enter '2'
enter '-'
enter '9'
enter '*'
enter '8'
enter '+'
enter '1'
enter '=' or RETURN
(1+(8*((32/54.0532)-9))) = 145.2128
Using the ASCII Table
Another useful programmers tool is the POP-UP ASCII Table.
To invoke this, Enter ALT+T.
to see other values, use the Up and Down arrow Keys. To
move the table, use the Left and Right Arrow keys.
Use the HOME or PGUP to move the table to the corners of the screen,
or, use SPACE to move the table to the center of the screen
Message Line:
One line up from the Status Line is the message line. This is the only
line that will display any messages or prompt.
Splitting The Screen:
Another useful feature of ALed is it's split screen editing capability.
To Split the Screen, move the cursor to the line you want to be the
Last Line in the top window and Press ALT+O (open). The you can edit
your file normally using all of ALed's Commands. To Close the window
Press ALT+O again and the screen with the cursor in it will become the
full screen.
To Jump from Screen to Screen, Press ALT+J. The cursor will then Jump
to the current line in the other screen.
Note: If your system has a CGA Adaptor and you see "Snow" press
ALT+N to Toggle Snow Checking
ALed contains two distinct types of cursors, insert and overstrike.
Whenever the insert key is toggled, the current state is display
and the shape of the cursor is altered.
Box = Insert Mode Active
Line = Overstrike Mode Active
Aled has the capability to load multiple files in memory at one time.
This is a great feature if you are working on a program with many
different source files. The number of buffers available is determined
only by the amount of memory in the system.
Each Buffer is a self contained environment. Basically, that means
any changes (current cursor position etc) made to one buffer will
NOT affect any other buffers in memory. The only features that are
available globally between all buffers are the Search, the Search
and Replace, the Cut & Paste, and the block print/save features.
These features allow you to search, replace, and copy and move text
between buffers.
ALed can use up to 10 text registers for storing data copied or moved
from one of the buffers. This is useful for cutting out a lot of
data from many places in the same buffer or different buffers and
pasting in another buffer(s).
Cursor Movement:
--> Move cursor right. If end of line move to column 1 of
next line.
<-- Move cursor Left. If beginning of line, move to end of
previous line.
CTL+-> Move to beginning of Next word. If end of line move
to column 1 of next line.
CTL+<- Move to beginning of previous word. If beginning of
line, move to end of previous line
Up Arrow Move up one line
Dwn Arrow Move down one line
PGUP Move up one page
PGDWN Move down one page
CTL+PGUP Move up 1/2 Page
CTL+PGDWN Move down 1/2 Page
HOME Move to Column 1. If at column 1, then move to column 1
of previous line
CTL+HOME Move to top of Buffer
END Move to last character in line. If at End Of Line then
move to end of next line.
CTL+END Move to bottom of buffer
ALT+G Goto Line Number
CTL+G Goto Last Lines (last 150 lines)
INS Toggle Insert/Overstrike
DEL Delete character at cursor
BS Delete previous character. If at Beginning of Line,
Join Lines
CTL+W Delete Current Word
CTL+E Delete to Beginning of Line
ALT+E Delete to End of Line
ALT+D Display Delete Menu
ALT+L Delete Current Line
ALT+U Un-Delete Lines (Also from Block Deletes)
Alt+S Search for Text
Alt+A Search Again
CTL+S Case Significant/Case Insigificant in Searches
CTL+D Search Direction Toggle (Up/Down)
Misc Commands:
ALT+R Rename Current Buffer
ALT+C POP-UP 3 Display Programmers Calculator
(use arrow keys to move calculator)
ALT+T POP-UP ASCII Table (use arrow keys to move table)
ALT+X or
CTL+C Quick Exits
ALT+K On-Screen Clock On/Off Toggle
ALT+N Toggle SNOW checking ON/OFF
ALT+B Bracket Matching <>{}[](). Place Cursor at bracket to
match and enter ALT+B.
ALT+V Enter Next Character Verbatim
ALT+M Macro Functions Menu (Define/Save/Load/Print macros)
ALT+1 to 9 Execute Defined Macro
Function Keys:
F1 Help Screen
F2 Save buffer and remover
Alt+F2 Save buffer and continue editing
F3 Load File (At prompt press RET for Picklist)
or enter file name or dir path to search
Shift+F3 Insert FIle
Alt+F3 Open Buffer
F4 Remove buffer from memory
F5 Search and Replace
F6 Replace again
ALT+F6 Oops. Replace back
F7 Block Begin/End for Copy/Move/Delete/Save
F8 Paste from Text Register
ALT+F8 Kill Text Register
F9 Next Buffer
ALT+F9 Previous Buffer
CTL+F9 Buffer Pick List (use arrow keys to select)
F10 Execute a DOS Command
ALT+F10 DOS Shell
The Program and Documentation contained in this archive are
Copyright (C)1989-1990 by Alan Boulanger
ALed version 1.5 is being distributed as ShareWare. Non-Registered
users of ALed 1.5 are granted a limited license to use and evaluate
this product for a period of 30 (thirty) days free of charge on a
Trial basis. At the end of the Trial period you should either:
1) Delete ALed and NOT use it.
** OR **
2) Support the ShareWare concept and become a Registered User
To become a Registered User. The following fee schedule applies.
1) Professional/Government Site Licensing. $110.00 (U.S.)
2) Individual Licences $37.00 (U.S.)
3) Students (Mail copy of Valid College I.D.) $18.50 (U.S.)
As a Registered User, You will be receive one free Upgrade of
ALed, without the closing screen message, that contains a few 'extra'
features and be entitled to free support.
Plus you will receive discounts on future ALed enhancements and be
notified of any changes.
Fill out the Enclosed Order Form and send To:
Alan Boulanger
11 Bartemus Trail #204
Nashua, NH 03036
(603) 886-1086
And include your Name, Address, Phone Number, and preferred method
of delivery (Mail or Modem). If Modem, let me know the best time to
call. (Note: I will only upload at 1200 baud and above)
ALed Version 1.5 Order Form
Yes, I would like to register my copy of Aled.
Please send me:
ALed 1.5 Registered Version.............Corporate License: $110.00
Individual License: $ 37.00
Student License: $ 18.50
Number of Copies X _____
Total $ ____.__
Method of Payment : ( ) Check ( ) Money Order
Preferred Method Of Delivery: ( ) U.S. Mail ( ) Modem
Modem Restrictions: Continental U.S. at 1200 baud or greater
Name : _____________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________
City/St : _____________, __
Zip code: ______-____
If Modem checked:
Phone Number : (___) ___-____
Time to Call __:__:__ ( )Am ( )Pm
Send To:
Alan Boulanger
11 Bartemus Trail #204
Nashua, NH 03036
(603) 886-1086
There are no guarantees, implied or otherwise, offered with this
Please let me know about any problems you may have with Aled. Even
though Aled has been tested by many people, there is always the
possibilities of running into one of those sneaky bugs.
Also, if there are any features that you would like to see in future
versions of ALed please contact me, and I will try to implement
your feature.
Note: Custom Versions of Aled are Available. Please Contact me for
If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at:
Mail Alan Boulanger
~~~~ 11 Bartemus Trail #204
Nashua, NH 03036
Phone (603) 886-1086
GEnie A.Boulanger
I hope you enjoy using ALed as much as I enjoyed writing it!